Iliotibial band (ITB) release



An Iliotibial band (ITB release) is a medical procedure that releases the underlying lateral tibial condyle, which causes the friction of the ITB. The procedure requires a local anaesthetic and a small incision at the back of the ITB. The procedure is a cost-effective, low risk option that gives excellent results as an alternative to open (or traditional) surgery on the tendon that requires hospital admission, surgery under general anaesthetic, and at least 3 months before full recovery.


Dr Anderson has a unique set of skills and experience in procedural work. Dr Anderson is a Medical Doctor, Physiotherapist and holds a Diploma of Surgical Anatomy.  He has assisted in over 1000 knee procedures in theatre and conducts the ITB in his medical rooms.



The risks for the procedure are low, below is a non-exhaustive list of the main risks:

-          Bleeding

-          Infections

-          Bruising

-          Swelling

-          Incomplete resolution of the lateral tibial condyle


-          Initial Consultation                                      $225.50

-          Standard Consultation/ Follow up            $137.50

-          ITB Procedure                                               $495

A rebate for the Consultation with Dr Anderson can be received through your private health provider, or with a Chronic Disease Management Plan provided by your GP.

You cannot receive a rebate for the cost of the procedure.


(0-36 hours)

The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic (1% lignocaine), which will minimise the pain during the procedure and for approximately 2 hours post procedure.  Dr Anderson will apply a compression bandage, which will be firm, this should be left on for 1-2 hours. At 2 hours, adjust the bandage to moderate pressure, and readjust to light tension in the evening, before bed.

It is normal to feel pain at the site of the procedure within the first 36 hours. Panadol can be used to minimise discomfort, or stronger pain relief if required. It is advised to rest during this period. A Medical Certificate can be provided for 2 days if required.


(72 – 3 weeks)

For the first 7 days post procedure it is advised to wear the bandage during the day, along with rest and elevation as much possible to reduce potential swelling. The bandage should be taken off for showering and baths, and in bed (after the first night).

After 7 days you should feel comfortable and be walking without a limp. At this point, you can walk longer distances or slow jogging if comfortable.


At your 3 week follow-up appointment with Dr Anderson, he will assess your progress, and provide rehabilitation exercises.